Monday 1 March 2010

One Wild and Precious Life (NY, U.S.A.) Recommended

Erin's blog One Wild and Precious Life is absolutely fascinating. Well-written a wide array of photos on the blog and Flickr.

She follows her journey alongside a small group of nuns on their organic farm, in Brewster, NY. Her writings document what she's learning, simultaneously, about food, farming and faith.

Bluestone Farm is a small farm, devoted mostly to sustaining the Sisters of the Community of the Holy Spirit (Episcopal Church USA) and their guests, but they also sell at the local weekly farmers market from June-November, and they sell eggs and maple syrup throughout the year. They raise chickens, ducks, and bees, and we do maple sugaring as well.

The farm is less than an acre, farmed intensively. We grow more than forty crops, from corn and oats to snap peas, from Scarlet Runner beans to New Zealand spinach.

About 85% of what we consume at the farm is grown on-site, and we spend a good deal of time preserving and storing food to last throughout the winter months.

The Sisters also make wine and weave cloth, write music and tan hides.

Erin writes that 'It's a pretty good life!' and I can well believe her. A recent post on drinking fresh sap had me drooling.

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