Friday 18 July 2008

A Life Less Simple Recommends

Here's an email I received from A Life Less Simple in Gloucestershire, England.( who was recommended to me by Colour it Green.

"A Life Less Simple is about me and my life. My family has always grown vegetables and we’ve kept goats since I was seven and chickens since before then (I think). As well as the goats and chickens we now have cows, sheep, ponies, donkeys, ducks, geese and quail, and this is just a list of the ‘useful’ animals we have.

I had a very special up bringing, I was home educated and have wonderful memories of things like sitting behind goats at milking time with my brother and sister taking it in turns to have milk squirted into our mouths and of spending days out in the woods with a couple of dogs and goats.

A Life Less Simple came out of a long time thinking about what I was trying to do. I want to live as simple a life as possible, grow my own food, make my own butter, etc. but this in itself just isn’t the easiest or simplest lifestyle to have anymore. Instead of spending my evenings after work watching TV or going out and getting drunk with friends (which is what most other 22 year-olds seem to want to spend all their time doing, but I might be being a little general there) I spend my evenings gardening, feeding and cleaning out animals, collecting eggs and processing milk and my weekends are spent in much the same way too.

As well as the animals and vegetable garden I’m also interested in rural skills and crafts and plan to learn to knit, make my own baskets and hurdles. I also try wherever possible to supprt local traders, I belong to the local freecycle and LETS groups and volunteer for the local community radio station.

Her recommendations are: (not really farming or a rural blog but very interesting and about plant growing)

The email signs off with this quote from Terry Pratchett:
"Only in our dreams are we free. The rest of the time we need wages."

As ever, I have added the recommendations as links, and I will be writing to these new blogs asking them for their recommendations in turn.

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